Lise Marker Is a London based artist who works internationally as a set and costume designer. With a background in fashion & theatre, Lise has worked in a vast and varied number of genres and formats. She has developed a keen interest in creating moving images and performances where texture and surface often form the stimuli of her work.
In 2009 Lise became an associated artist at the Bow arts trust and during her career she has collaborated with a wide variety of artist including the American artist Matthew Barney, Brazilian choreographer Jean Abrue and Circus Director Tim Lenkiewicz.
Design credits include: „“Winterreise“ by Elfenbenstårnet DK (2012) “Inside“ by Jean Abrue QEH Southbank centre (2011), “Det du inte såg“ by Verner Berglund SE (2011), “Diary of a Madman“ by Tim Linkiewicz UK (2010), “Behind the Yellow Wallpaper“ by Anne Jonsson at Tensta Konsthall SE (2009), “Mitridate re di Ponto“ at Sadlers Wells by The classcal Opera Company UK (2009), Boulavard of Broken Dreams by Jean Abreu UK (2009). Ren Chrysler by Matthew Barney L.A (2008), Guardian of the Veil by Matthew Barney (2007)