11th August 2012
After a great few days of rehearsal after Nich’s injury, we are now on-track to reopen once again this evening. We’ve had to work very hard to re-make many parts of the show so that they work without Nich. The process has been physically and emotionally hard work, drawing the whole company together to do the best work we can given the situation. So I was extremely surprised to receive an email yesterday informing me that we’ve been awarded this week’s Herald Angel Little Devil Award for embodying the spirit of “the show must go on”.
So A huge thank you to Mary Brennan and Keith Bruce at the Herald and to the Bank of Scotland for recognising the huge amount of work and effort it’s taken to remount Rime, and this morning, whilst the rest of Square Peg were warming up in preparation for our final rehearsals (again) I went down to the Bank of Scotland to collect the award, here are a couple of pictures of the event:
And don’t forget Rime is back on in the Dissecting Room at Summerhall at 17:30 every evening until the 16th… see you there!