Author Archive

New Rigging
10th March 2012
As a result of the wonderful good will, support and advice of Adam Beaumont and Matthew Millward at A.C. Entertainment Technology Square Peg now have their new performance rig.

A visit from the Roundhouse
23rd February 2012
Today Flora and Emily from the Roundhouse came to watch some of our rehearsals and Emily took some lovely pictures of us working on our Super Sailors scene.

Detroit Annie – Hitchiking
22nd February 2012
Thank you to Judy Grahn for granting us permission to use her poem Detroit Annie – Hitchiking in Rime

National Theatre Commission announced!
16th February 2012
We’re very proud to announce that the National Theatre will be co-commissioning Square Peg and their creation of Rime.
Thank you to Angus McKechnie and James Pigeon for believing in the company and the show.
This not

14th February 2012
A couple of new pictures of our work on our acrobatics and trying out and mastering the equipment.

Peg it to the Fringe
9th February 2012
We’re delighted at the news that Square Peg have just won the 2012 IdeasTap Edinburgh Award and will be taking Rime to the world’s biggest performing arts festival in August. Well be performing daily at 5:30pm in

A visit from UEA
9th February 2012
Today we had a visit from Jonathan Impett, Stephen Bennett and a group of their students at the University of East Anglia, who came to have a look at what we are doing and to help with

Pegs aloft the rigging
8th February 2012
Having built the portique yesterday, the first of the rigging structures is now set up and it’s time to start getting used to the height. We’re using Aircraft Circus’ equipment to figure out exactly what we need

A great start to rehearsals
6th February 2012
Today was a great start to the rehearsals for Square Peg Contemporary Circus’new creation: Rime.
We kicked off with a dance class from the wonderful Martin Corri and I think working with him over the next eight

Funding Confirmed – Square Peg Set Sail!
17th December 2011
We are incredibly proud to announce that Cirquit Productions has successfully secured Arts Council England funding to support the creation and tour of Square Peg Contemporary Circus’ latest production: Rime