‘Blog’ Category

Terrific Energy and Skill
12th August 2012
Now that Rime is back on stage again I’m delighted with our latest review by Jane Frere in the Edinburgh Guide today which gave the show a fantastic four stars!
Only two days left to catch it,

Surprise Surprise!
11th August 2012
After a great few days of rehearsal after Nich’s injury, we are now on-track to reopen once again this evening. We’ve had to work very hard to re-make many parts of the show so that they work

Square Peg astonish with daring and precision in riveting Coleridge circus
8th August 2012
As we continue to work hard re-staging Rime so that we can open our doors as soon as possible, our spirits were heightened by this fantastic review in The List this morning:

Plumb the depths to Push out the Boat
7th August 2012
After yesterday”s traumatic ending and the news that Nich shan”t be able to perform again for at least another six weeks, we were all delighted to be greeted this morning with this fantastic review in The Skinny

6th August 2012
I regret to announce that we have had to cancel performances of Rime until further notice.
After the last two days’ success, today couldn’t have been any more unexpected. The cast were feeling positive, our audiences have

A Rate of knots
5th August 2012
Now after a rocky start and despite the cancellation of our preview on the 3rd, Rime is sailing free. Audiences for our first two fringe performances have been very positive with good feedback all round, and to

Back on Track-ish… but…
3rd August 2012
Unfortunately we’ve had to cancel our scheduled preview due to lack of time caused by yesterday’s rigging difficulties.
Apologies if you’ve booked a ticket, but the box office will be only too happy to reallocate your tickets

Communication Breakdown
2nd August 2012
Wow, what an unexpected day. Somewhere in amongst the many communications and umpteen exchanges of architects’ plans we seem to have developed a miscommunication about the ratings of the rigging points we need to be able to

Warm welcomes
31st July 2012
After driving the length of the country all the way from Dorset to Scotland, the Square Peg advance party (Tim, Aislinn and JD) have finally arrived in Edinburgh.
We were happy for the friendly welcome at Summerhall

Square Peg feature in Lynn Gardner’s First Fringe Recommendations!
30th July
Click on the following link to read Lynn’s recommendations for the Edinburgh Festival Fringe this year… including us!